Friday, January 04, 2008

Cold Turkey Spell Over!

Well that's me back online again after almost a week. I woke up on the 29th of December to a wireless router showing no wee blinky lights at all. It was deid!

Talk about Christmas Cold Turkey! Finagle's Law strikes again so, just when I'd be settling in to doing a bit of surfing over the holiday period to pass the time, I couldn't. Even buying a replacement wouldn't be simple - no internet to check prices, models, etc. and, it being the holiday period, no guarantee of quick delivery.

We were planning to go away for a few days over the weekend and the new year so it wasn't a huge deal but it is very, very unsettling to have no connection to the net. Anyway, I'm back online again now. The problem was the the power supply, which was easily replaced.

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